Tuesday, January 17, 2012


 It will be a miracle if L doesn't die by falling down the stairs, falling onto a rock, infection from putting her hands in the toilet or choking on hair ties. 

She will like TV. And I will feel guilty every time she watches it. And yes, that's Baby Einstein in the car. A whole lot better than crying baby in the car (we've made this girl travel a lot lately).

She'll have more baby pictures than her sibblings. 

Parties will never be the same. Please note that Owen is taking steps between his parents, Liesel plays with blocks in the background, Luxton plays the marimba, Liam picks his noes and Rylees yells "moooo" while the adults try and carry on a conversation. (while parties may not be as carefree as they once were, they're even more necessary-- and this one was awesome).  

My house will never be truly clean again. This is my floor for the 20minutes I was cooking. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice that she had taken out the tinfoil and pulled all of it out, then crunched it all up. I then spent 20 minutes painstakingly trying to smooth it back out. 

And every night Brian and I will go to bed thinking we're the luckiest to have this little one upstairs.


Gabriella said...

All of this is so true! I love the pictures of her, she such a beautiful little person.

Lindsey said...

Meltmeltmeltmeltmelt. miss you sooo much

Allison said...

Yes, it is a miracle that any of us make it to our second birthday. It's just impossible for parents to watch those one-year-olds for every split second of the day. Dang adorable one-year-old. P.S.--I like having a daughter-in-law who is a photographer. Always awesome pictures. I love the first one of Liesel on the rock.

Mary Grace said...

another reality- i am jealous of that pink snowsuit onesie. aaand, i miss you guys.

gc.hatch said...

Ahhh, nothing like letting a baby explore unhindered to her hearts content!