Loves "pips" (tortilla chips). Takes showers (no tub!) and likes them more than baths. Climbs into her chair for dinner. Folds her arms for prayer and says "hmhmm" for amen.Will fake blow her nose in washcloths and towels. Has grown a sense of humor and makes a funny face (pulls her lower lip over her top lip) and laughs hysterically when I mimic her. LOVES swimming and will purposefully put her head under water. Loves to come over and hug your knees and say "up!up!" (but you better pick her up!!). Eats fish. Loves to "read" to herself (makes all the noises). Obsessed with animals. Doesn't seem to care when left with strangers (nursery, babysitters), but is terrified of men with beards. Is an excellent climber. Loves being talked to. Likes to ride in boats. Loves learning new words and will repeat them over and over. Eats crayons. Can follow simple commands (get your shoes!). Knows her body parts.
all tuckered out after 1hr of jumping on the bed. . . as a matter of fact, I gave up today and put her in the pack-n-play. Still not asleep. . . ! |
Can I say that this little person has stolen us completely? Watching her learn is both hysterical and incredible. Her resilience is astounding and she bounces back so quickly after falls, scraps and bruises. She seems to thrive in social situations and loves people (mostly). She can groove, and when she does, everyone watches (cutest. thing.ever.) She has never even looked back when we drop her off at nursery.There are things she definitely likes: reading books with us, crackers, saying the word "pigtail," being outside, bugs, dancing to music, when we sing to her, dogs, birds, drinking from a Camelback hose, eating snow . . .etc.
sharing a chocolate chip cookie with mom |
And things she doesn't like: olives (she begs for them-- maybe because she likes them on her finger or for the salt? but then I'll find chewed up piles all over the house), cantaloupe, potatoes, waking up at night cold (who would like that?!), not being picked up when she says "up!", being in her carseat too long (more than 10mins), when I take away the Vaseline container she was sticking her fingers in, getting dressed . . .etc.
Boating on Leigh Lake |
She gets in goofy moods- esp in the evening when Brian is home. I secretly love to hear them in the living room playing and he's good at making her laugh. He comes up with things to do with her that I never would. For example he made a swing out of rope and a Trader Joe's canvas tote on the beam inside the house, showed her knots and set up speakers so she could dance and hear the music better.
If I want pictures of her these days, I need to increase my shutter speed-- she's constantly moving and exploring. My little blur is growing so fast!
Words she says: tacto (cracker or tractor), shoessss (she holds the s), moo! (moose-- always said with such enthusiasm. . . especially now that she's seen them at our house), ma (milk), wawa (water), flowa (flower- she points them out on everything), cheeese (emphasis on the ee's), bu (bug), snai-o (snail), no (very clearly), See-sull (Liesel) and tons of others.