Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I live in a national park.

In Canyonlands National Park.
Liesel is the only child for at least in hour in any direction. 
Our address includes "end of Hwy." 

So what do I do all day? 
I've been wondering the same thing.
I think Liesel has too.
But somehow our days seem to fill up. 
We definitely take in some beautiful scenery.
And despite my prego-waddle, just about every morning we get outside for a few hours.

Today it involved this:
A sweater! 
Although I'm feeling reluctant to let go of summer. 

 It also involved a hole. And sticking her finger in it. 
Finding a Juniper berry. Sounding adorable saying "juniper berry."
Wanting to wear her hood and rub her ears. 

 Was jazzed when mom busted out with a "Wheels on the bus" rendition. Check out that applause and sincere appreciation . . . with this kind of response maybe I could be the next Raffi?
 Here's home. 
 Our walks and outside time usually involve something illegal. Not only is L playing with a hallucinogenic plant, she also picked the Datura. And busted crust. And broke some rocks. And picked juniper berries . . . toddlers have no respect for rules. 
 Today also included the digging spot in the back yard, her hair bands and later macaroni/rice and measuring cups. Trying on big girl undies and stacking cans from the pantry. And one 30 minute video while I made dinner. Guilt ensued. 
Today also involved me on the elliptical reading an abandoned copy of Real Simple while Brian took Liesel on a bike ride and then put her to bed. 

Goodnight Needles. It's been a good day. 


Lindsey said...

I have a sister that lives in a National park.

Pretty kewl if you ask me.

Loved the update on your day! You should probably fit in "called my sister who is super homesick."


Allison said...

Wow. Liesel is growing up a lot lately. Awesome cloud shot for the first photo.

Jana said...

Really fun hearing about the things you do in a day when you live hours from anything. I have no idea what I would do in that situation!

Anonymous said...

Wow, they have good soil crust out there.

Jerry said...

How is it that you are able to spend what seemingly is a lonesome lifestyle into something beautiful, almost magical? You are amazing!

Jerry said...

Sorry I meant "SPIN what seemingly is a..."

Catherine said...

Your day is beautiful! I love your new photography skills! I wish I could spend just one day in a national park with my sister!

The Gerharts said...

I sense a Federal Investigation coming regarding that broken crust. I might have to come out to gather evidence...
I miss hanging out with you guys and would love to visit!

The Gerharts said...

LOL about the illegal activity! Love how she puts barettes in the middle of her forehead and pokes her fingers in holes, so cute! Your first and last pictures are gorgeous. I love the scenery!