Friday, October 12, 2012

that's odd.

Every morning the clocks in the house are all between 13 and 36 minutes faster. And they aren't synchronized. One will be 14 minutes faster and the other 28. I find myself distrusting time. Am I really using the bathroom at 4:24am or is it 3-something?

Due to the extreme lack of humidity and my insanely heavy-breathing (a prego thing only- I swear), I wake up in the middle of the night with the worst cotton-mouth in the history of cotton-mouth. I can't even swallow and water does nothing. So weird. 

This morning I was playing in the puddles all over the slick rock with Liesel when a gnarly storm rolled in and threatened to destroy us. I hopped on the bike and listened to L say "scary thunder!" as I peddled down the hill. 

I found three things at the store for 10cents yesterday. I didn't know you could still buy anything for 10 cents. 
petroglyph of mom and child playing in puddles. . . some things don't change (especially the largeness of the mom).

hello fall in the Needles. It is nice to see you.


Laura Anderson said...

What were the three things?
Liesel is sure growing up!
We'll be in St. George December 9-12...will you be nearby?

Lindsey said...

angie. i like this post and i like hte way you write- it's a good representation of "you"


The Gerharts said...

O, that petroglyph is amazing! Is that near where you live? I love it! How fun that you have a baby born in the fall now, as well as the winter. This is a wonderful time to have a baby -- so beautiful, LOVE the leaves!!!

Jana said...

Did you really "hop" on the bike?

We're anxiously awaiting a phone call with exciting news!! (I'm sure you are too.)

sNick said...

Have you ever considered the fact that you might live in the Bermuda Triangle? That would explain the clock problem.

Allison said...

The errant clocks are to remind you that you are not in charge of time right now. What a very exciting time!

Catherine said...

I laughed out loud when I read about the cotton-mouth. I shouldn't have, but just the way you said it made me laugh. I feel like I'm talking to you one the phone when I read your blog sometimes. :)