Monday, March 23, 2015

Life is lovely. Regret is ugly.

We are so blessed in so many ways. Having little Felicity as part of our family has brought so much joy. She is nursing like a champ and she has no health problems or complications at all. She's beautiful and I can't complain about fussiness or sleep at all. It's been so nice to have my mom here because it's been quite the adjustment for my girls… But not in the way I expected. It's been difficult for Lecil to have mommy always nursing and able to help or play as much. I think it is also struggled with mommy not being available. I got an epidural headache after the baby was born last Thursday. I wasn't able to sit up at all until I got the blood patch done. Last night I noticed that the headache was starting to come back. Now I have to lie am a back all the time or may excruciating pain. I've been trying to decide what to do. They say hindsight is 2020 but definitely feels that way now. If only I could go back and not get the epidural I would do it in a heartbeat. Knowing that I could be perfectly healthy right now feel somewhat frustrating. I'm really really hoping this will go away because it feels very incapacitating to not be able to do anything but lie in bed all day. With that said send goodness I have little Felicity keep me company. Brian's health is been key he's changed all diapers picture up and help so much. Having my mom here is absolutely essential since I cannot do anything to help with the girls at all. I'm praying to know what the best decision is… A little scared of another procedure so close to my spine and so many needles already. But also I cannot imagine trying to lie here in bed for two weeks to three months if this headache never goes away. 


Lindsey said...

Felicity is beautiful!! This all sounds SO scary, Ang and I'm sorry you have to go through procedure #2. I am praying for you!!

I was going to ask if you would not do an epidural if you could go back. Would love to hear more about hte labor! Miss and love you Ang!

Allison said...

Praying for you, Angela. Thanks so much for this blogpost when you are feeling so crummy. Felicity is beautiful and sweet. I can't wait to meet her! And by the way, your photos of Hannah and Liesel are perfect. You captured their little individual personalities so well. Just know that you have all kinds of love and support at this time!

Emily said...

I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this, Angela! I know you know that many prayers are being sent your way. This too shall pass - and when it's all done, you'll have a beautiful little baby to enjoy and a inspiring new appreciation for the little things. I'm praying for you, Angela! Hang in there!