Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Little girls

I've been thinking about what liesel said yesterday and today... Right before dinner, we asked her to go change her shirt back into one she had been wearing. I have been trying to stick to one outfit a day (laundry gets brutal when they both change and get three differ t things dirty). Anyway, she was throwing a massive hysterical fit, so we said prayer without her so Brian could eat and get out the door to help Clay roof his house. I went upstairs and she didn't hear me. I looked at her kneeling on the floor with her head in her hands and she whispered to herself, "I am throwing a giant tantrum." And she sounded so dissapointed in herself. I knelt down and gave her a hug and told her it was ok. Today she was cleaning her toys and couldn't figure out how to sort it all in the bins. She was very frustrated and angry. I came up to help her and we started cleaning up. She asked me, "mom, am I still a really good helper? Like I was yesterday when I cleaned it up all by myself?" I realized how much my little girl needs my approval and encouragement. How much she needs tenderness and love instead of snappiness and frustration. Little children are so tender.

1 comment:

gc.hatch said...

Wonderful insight Angela!
Tenderness, patience, it seems to work magic!