Sunday, December 20, 2015

Felicity is too cute. And 9 months now.

Felicity is a bright spot in every day. I think about Felicity and I feel happy. How could I not? She is smiling or cheerful 95% of the every day. She is a little light. Everyone comments on her saggy chubby cheeks. Her grin is to DIE for. Wide, scrunchy-nose and so cute. Melts my heart. She is SO close to crawling and can sort of army crawl forward to get that little piece of paper/fuzz/hairball/sticker that is inevitably on every floor and therefore inevitably in her mouth 24/7. Daily I am amazed she is still alive and thriving despite the number of times I inadvertently knock her head on the door jam. She still wakes up twice at night because I'm a sucker and can't let her cry. She is officially 9 months old today. She loves it when I read her books and especially loves it when I say "roar!" She tries to roar back and is sometimes successful. She sounds like a little bobcat. She will go to anyone and is content playing and sitting on anyones lap. Also a sense of mom-guilt. Did I not hold her enough? Why isn't she more attached to me? But if  one of my girls doesn't go to someone else easily i think, "She's not adjusted! Is she afraid I won't come back? Did I not meet her needs?" Oh, mom guilt. So alive and thriving over here at 915 Rainbow Dr. Felicity also smells like throw-up. Like all day, every day. She is constantly throwing up (I can't call it spit up now that she eats solid food and it smells terrible). I can't keep up on laundry and I feel like she looks like a homeless baby. Yet another source of mom-guilt. Liam in Primary nicknamed her "Puddles" which is pretty accurate since she drools like a Bassett hound. The other day I literally poured out a 1/4c of drool-pool that had collected in her jacket fold. 

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