Friday, August 19, 2011

Don't worry mom, I always carry bear spray.

The forks

Today (or tonight. . . I guess this is what you do when hubs was sent on a SAR-- so many this season!) I'll introduce you to what is maximizing living in a national park. A couple times a week I'll run on the jogging path or do a long bike ride and at least once a week I'll do an all day hike somewhere in the park. Most of the time with Brian when he's assigned to patrol up a canyon. L knows the drill now: play with the yellow buckles, fall asleep sucking on the side of the backpack, wake up, make cute noises, smile at strangers, fuss, get taken out and play in the dirt, eat, watch mom eat, chew on an apple, get a diaper change, back in the pack, fall asleep, wake up mad, fuss, fuss, fuss, take the boat, smile at strangers and then finally home and can play with toys. Here are a few random photos from hiking this summer:
Ramshead Lake

Bearpaw/Trapper trail

Jenny Lake loop

One of Brian's coworkers gave us a sit on top kayak that we've taken out on String Lake. We'll also borrow the park canoes and go out on Leigh Lake and chill on the beaches. 

Garnet Canyon

North Fork Cascade

This photo makes me feel like singing "the hills are alive. . .!" Maybe it's because she's a Liesel?


kp said...

Is this post revenge for my comment? Love the pictures

The Gerharts said...

Love these pictures! It's kind of neat to see the evolution of spring/summer in the Tetons through your progression of hikes.

Clay Allred said...

Wow, you actually went there...

Although I do feel like that song is all too appropriate.

Fern said...

I know you're trying to leave no question unanswered, but I have one more for you...What do you do with Liesel when you go for a run? Is your stroller thing hard core enough for hiking trails? Or do you wear her in the backpack??