Sunday, October 23, 2011

report card

So my mom is a little crazy, if you haven't noticed. I mean, she's always hauling me around in the backpack somewhere outside. . . as if Indian Creek wasn't enough, she had to go to Arches, the Needles and bouldering last week.  Then when we get there she tries to get me to stay in one spot, when all I really want to do is crawl around and explore.This is me trying to ignore her while she sings "Yankee Doodle" like a broken record in hopes that I'll look over and smile. I held out, even though that IS like one of my favorite songs. 

I tried to convince Owen it was time to take off for some quality baby time putting choke-able sized rocks in our mouths and eating sand. Unfortunately our moms were too fast. 

This is me trying to ignore her while she chases me around with the camera. Man, I just LOVE sand right now. It is so cool. I love to eat it, to run it through my hands, to stare at it really close, and to even throw it into my eyes. Although that was more of an accident. 

I'm pretty impressive at finding the smallest objects buried in the sand (like small thorns, leaves, rocks, wrappers) and leaving them in my mouth for a really long time. Sometimes I'm so good at concealing them, mom doesn't even notice until after I wake up from a nap. 

Did I mention she hauls me everywhere? That's okay, because I get her back by pulling her hair when I'm stuck in this backpack for too long and biting her shoulder really, really hard. I just like the way it feels. But every time she turns and looks at me with her eyes big and says "no" really loud. I don't even know what that means, but I think it means "slow"-- so I just open my eyes real big back and go in real slowly with my mouth open and bite her again-- I think that's what I'm supposed to do, right? 
Besides all small children and live animals (including the neighbors chickens, which are AWESOME), I get really excited when I play with my cottontail. I mostly like to carry it around in my mouth and rip all the fur off with my teeth. I'm also pretty amazing at getting my dad to do anything I want. In the morning, he comes and gets me even before I've started crying. I think he must sense that I'm awake (meanwhile mom is still snoozing away). Overall, I guess they're doing a pretty decent job. . .


emily marie said...

Could those moccasins BE any cuter?!?!

I almost cried laughing when I got to the biting part. I can see her slowly goin' in for the kill! Hahaha!

Fern said...

I laughed out loud at the part about going in slowly for the bite when you tell her no. Wallace is doing something really similar right now when I tell him not to JUMP down the stairs. He just tries to do it really slowly, like I won't notice or something.
All the pictures are adorable.

Allison said...

Thanks, Liesel. Great narrative! I like the part about hiding things in your mouth. And your hair has turned really blonde.

Mary Grace said...

man she has already started blogging? i am missing everything.

Leslie said...

Hilarious! She is incredible at finding small things buried in the sand.

Dan~Alyssa said...

one of my favorites!!! love this post! I too was cracking up!

The Gerharts said...

This is one of my favorite posts. The photography is amazing! I love the shots of Lil' L with these Backpacking / Outdoor mag worthy backdrops. Not that Lil' L herself is unworthy of publication (quite the contrary), but it's not every day you see a baby under amazing arches! Your writing style is perfect. This is definitely one for the baby book!

Catherine said...

Love the report card. You could seriously make an entire Outdoors Mag special edition dedicated to awesome photos of her in the wild. L is one lucky gal.