What we DO on BRIAN'S FURLOUGH: took the missionaries out into arches-- and actually hiked as a family up to delicate arch. I don't think we had been there together since: 

2007? We've both hiked up there independently a ton and once together on a rescue and I'm sure at another point that I have forgotten entirely b/c we didn't take a photo.
We bought Liesel ridiculous looking overalls because (believe it or not) sandstone destroys clothes even faster than I do.
We get to enjoy some quality family time.
There'sk always the percussion park (I'm never sure if we're going there for B's sake or Liesel's), Date nights with a Redbox and Ben and Jerry's and family bike rides around town.
iMac joined the family. We are all very excited to welcome him. RIP PC.And does this mean we're cool now?
We've gotten to explore places I didn't know about-- like above park ave.
I spy Balanced rock. You're a rockstar if you can see it too.
Took in the sweet views.
Where's Waldo?
Where's Waldo II? Easier to see me in this one. This little pedestal was amazing. Almost a 360 drop off . . .kind of gave me vertigo.
Liesel practiced becoming a mime.
And we've had lunch dates with friends, library time and a clean house.
You live in a magical place. Miss you.
beautiful. All of it.
When I saw the word 'up' and a big picture of delicate arch, I was hoping so bad you were going to say you had climbed it, even though I know you never would (I hadn't seen the 'down' post yet, so the 'up' meant nothing to me). :)
I'm slightly offended that you've never taken my to the rhythm park for a jam session, or even told me that it existed. Okay, a lot offended. We're takin' the guitars there next time. I've been practicing just for you so I won't be as rusty as last time.
When is next time, PS?
PS The photos are lookin' stellar. Nice editing on the color.
That was a fast mood swing.
You must have been snappin it one through fo'.
Awesome shots. Glad you guys could get some kwalitee family time. LOVE YOU!
In that first picture of Liesel she looks SO BIG! I'm not going to recognize her the next time I see her. And the scenery is simply breathtaking!
I love your life! You guys look like you're having some quality family time! Is little L standing completely independently now??
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