Wednesday night Allison, Sarah and Matt arrived in time to play a mad game of Word Origin. The next morning we were up and at it making huckleberry pancakes (thanks to all the berries we'd picked that week) and bacon. Had to fuel up because the rest of the day was spent on the Snake River:
I think the best part of this entire trip was that I didn't have to organize any of it. Brian did it all. I just packed food and for Liesel. So easy. We brought the kids with us for an 8 mile flat water section down that ended at the put in for the rapids.It was beautiful and perfect for all of us.
We saw tons of birds (an immature golden eagle and a few bald eagles included). Liesel loved being on the boat and preferred to stand over sit and proved she has killer balance. . . I wouldn't be surprised if she dominates the slackline in a year. We pulled out at the beginning of the rapids section and dropped of the kids and Allison-- who very graciously agreed to watch them while the rest of us went on down.
The rapids section was SO. MUCH. FUN. I was kind of nervous for the rapids-- the last time I had been down it was high water (almost 5x what it was this time) and the rapids were ginormous. Turned out to be not scary, just really really really fun. You can see the pictures HERE (were are the first six photos in the orange boat).
The next day the Allred's left for home and we went to see the bison, went to the thrift store and got frozen yogurt. Ahhh. Rest day. Which was needed b/c on Saturday Matt and I woke up at 4:00am to head for the summit of the Middle Teton. I know I had just done it, but Brian was scheduled to do a rock climbing route on the Middle that day with one of his co-workers and wasn't able to go with Matt like they originally planned. Matt wanted to get up in the peaks. . . so I went. 

We made great time. We started from the trailhead at 4:45am (ran into a bear along the way before it was light outside) and made it to the summit of the Middle at 9:45am.

Matt coming up the snowfield and Food. Glorious food. . . like the song from Oliver? I'm pretty sure my bro Kevin used to sing that if something good was in the house.
I'll be honest, I didn't really think I was going to go all the way up. I thought I'd get to the meadows and we'd run into a few parties heading up and he'd tag along with them-- but ended up feeling good and kept going. Matt was a total animal-- I had no idea he could rival his brother in speed and I literally don't think I heard him breathe heavy once. . . whereas I breath heavy these days sitting on the sofa. We passed a few parties on the way up who thought they were going for the Grand. . . I wonder how many people summit the Middle and think they're on the grand?
We got home and had a few hours with the Hays family before they took off back down to California. I love Brian's family. I really lucked out in the in-law department. They are amazing. They are always sacrificing time, money and a lot of energy to make sure they come and see us-- and they've been to every home/apartment/cabin we've ever lived in. And this was the last time we got to see Sarah before she goes into the MTC in three weeks. We are so going to miss her!!
Wow, looks like you guys have been having a blast with family and friends! Is it weird that I am rooting for O + L to get married one day - even though I've never met Owen. I just think those pictures of them together are so cute!
I can't belive you summited the Middle again! You are incredible! I'm also stoked for Matt that he made it up a peak. Super cool.
Seeing Liesel and hearing Liesel-talk was great too. "Hapo" for helicopter, "rrrrrr" (spanish rolled r) for car, and I'm glad she learned "Math-ooh,"
Angela, we would LOVE to come and visit you. If only it didn't cost us $800 to get there. Tsk. I KNOW you are a great hostess. For now, we will just have to live through all your fabulous blog posts and be jealous.
Ahhh! You make me feel so lazy! Could you get any cuter?
Let it be known that what may appear to be fear in the rafting pictures is really just me holding on my glasses. Nerdy, but not chicken ;). I loved that trip! I super lucked out in the in-law department too, of course. I already miss you guys!
Wow, no end of adventure for you Angela even if you are 7 months pregnant! I'm really glad you didn't take Liesel on the rapids! You even looked a little spooked! I can't believe you climbed the Middle AGAIN!
Man that is cool that your in-laws come and visit! I'm jealous yall got to hike the mountain together (you're the most intense pregomom i've ever known). Although let's be honest, I don't think I'm ready for fat camp yet.
What a fun visit! I love the white-water photos. Ang, it looks like you're trying to calm the water with your hand in one of them...totally made me laugh out loud. And I love how you make climbing the grand look so easy!
Sarah pointed out that Angela totally disappears in one of the white water pictures, because she bent down in the bottom of the boat to be an extra safe pregnant mom, and the water 100% covered her. Ha! I also like the way Clay is hamming up fearfulness because he knows the photographers are at that spot. Nice.
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