Sunday, August 12, 2012

Island Park, Idaho

I went to Island Park this week to photograph Brian's aunt's family reunion. Best part of the whole thing was driving the 2.5 hours each way with B. I feel like we haven't had too much date time lately (when he's not working on grad school, it's usually b/c something has happened in the park. . . like last night getting short-hauled up Teewinot).   It was so nice to just talk. And talk. And talk. Oh, and stop in Ashton for a little Frostop Rootbeer and burger. It's pretty amazing to drive for almost 3 hours through 6 towns and not pass a single chain fast food place. But I'll tell you what we did pass-- that grain truck going about 10mph, 1,000 potato fields, a drive-in with a 10 foot potato out front called "The Spud" and lots and lots of hay. 


Lindsey said...

Love it girl, love it. I'm glad you and B got some lovin talkin time. I love those pics! Who is the one on the wakeboard getting some sweet air? I'm jealous. I loooove wakeboarding. Have I told you that I learned a few weeks ago and am now obsessed??

gc.hatch said...

There's nothing like a little "talkin time" to strengthen those familial/ marital blonds. I'm glad that it all worked out for you to get some uninterrupted time together! I bet the pictures you took turned out great!

Sarah Gerhart said...

I love the photos, esp. the wakeboard one! Love the colors and composition of the others, too!