Friday, March 1, 2013

@hannah #beefythighsmakememelt (4months)

babies are so cute. 
I pity da foo. . .
Sometimes Hannah is so aware it's almost baffling to me. I feel like she is 100% with it-- she knows what's going on. I love her little personality so much and she adds so much to our family. She's a pretty easy laugher and smiler (unless I have the camera out!). She's rolly. She's got just a little bit of fuzz on her head. She knows what she wants. And she gets it or she'll scream bloody murder. But 95% of the time she's a great baby.

So far Liesel ranks highest in getting laughs out of H. In the bath last night she was getting the most hilarious belly laughs over and over. It was so cute. And melted my heart. I would have gotten it on camera, but I was in there too and I know ya'll don't want none a dat.

Hannah has reached some knew milestones. She is almost rolling over. Does almost doing something count as a milestone? She looks so far behind her she almost topples over. She seems to like tummy time and has recently started reaching for and grabbing things. . . like the dangly bird in her play gym or the washcloth in the bathtub if I hold it in front of her. It's not completely coordinated, but she is definitely doing a stiff-fingered grab and shoves it straight to her mouth.

No solids yet. But B gave her a millimeter of applesauce two days ago and of course she didn't know what to do with her tounge and shoved it right out. With Liesel I was so excited to start solids, but I think I'm going to drag out nursing till she can master the pincer and then go straight to table food. J/k on the table food. But not gonna lie, pureeing gets old fast.

15.8 lbs (75th percentile)
24.5 inches (50th percentile)
doc said they like to see them hugging the same curve, but I'm tots not worried about Hannah being too chubby. I love it. 


Emily said...

Look at that cute chubster! She looks completely different to me (or maybe it's just the hat). And it sounds like she's got a super fun personality. Can't wait to meet Ms. H this summer!

Allison said...

That's it. I need to hug this baby. And hear her laugh.

The Gerharts said...

Whoa, too cute! I love the faces! How did she get so chubby in just two weeks?? I love this girl so much and miss holding her and seeing her always-ready smile!

sNick said...

This whole time I've thought that she looks so different from Liesel, but in that second picture she looks just like her! She's definitely a cutey.

gc.hatch said...

I was so excited to see a Hannah post! Keep them coming! I can't get enough of that girl!

Lindsey said...

Wow, she is sooo cute! Can't wait to see her chubby sef in a few weeks!