Monday, May 27, 2013

the Dugga Branch.

cottonwoods, cliffs, canyons and water. The desert has really come alive lately which means we're living outside.
yes, I have 1,000 pictures of Hannah's adorable faces. I can't get enough, ok?

in the fort with my gals. If I look tired to you that's because I am. And because hair and makeup didn't show up today.
Thank you Dugout Ranch! What would I do without your swing set, dogs, cat, grass and tall trees? I'd roast and be eaten alive by biting gnats. 
Liesel fixating on Maggie and Sydney-- the ranch dogs.
Chasing the ranch cat and Liesel's bouquet-- I love hearing her say that word! 
rock me baby like a wagon wheel/ Na-Na in the grass

Liesel's pointing finger making sure that defenseless Hannah doesn't cross any lines. Some of that older sister sass, I guess. 

At least twice I week I drive out to the Dugout Ranch (Indian Creek Cattle Company) twenty minutes from home. It is the quintessential western-American ranch: huge cottonwoods, horses and cattle grazing in the canyon, red-rock buttes in all directions and pioneer houses. My favorite view on the drive home from Moab is right about at the Ranch. You have a view of the Bridger Jacks, the North and South six shooters, the Island in the Sky and the green, green valley. One of these days I'll have to stop the car when I'm not worried about waking sleeping children and snap a photo. I know I'll miss it when  I'm not making that 3hr drive 3 times a week. 

Anyway, Heidi has been gracious enough to let me and the kids come by and use the swing set (for her two grandkids) and play on the grass. Liesel loves it and would choose the dugga-branch over the Visitor Center any day (but who wouldn't?). 

So we go. And pet the dogs. And chase the cat. And look at the horses. And watch hannah bounce her hands up and down and moan (?!) when she sees the animals. And swing Liesel in the swings. And climb up the climbing wall and slide down the slide. And pick dandelions and ride in the wagon. 

It is our little oasis in the desert. 
And a tender mercy.
so, thanks
from the three of us.


gc.hatch said...

Oh my goodness! What a blessing! Thanks be to Heidi! I didn't realize that next to the swings was a little kids fort and slide. How fun is that! And you have pets without even having to feed them! I can't believe those beautiful yellow wildflowers! How nice that "the rules" can be bent for childhood. Afterall, what kind of a childhood is it if you can never pick any flowers? And you have Shade! And no knats!

Allison said...

You mean 1,000 pictures of Hannah's adorable faces AND cute pointing toes. :) Love those posing toes of hers. Wow, L's hair is so long!

Catherine said...

What a fun spot to play! I can't get enough of the sunflowers and kiddo pictures - to die for! And I love that you mentioned the cottonwoods. :)