Thursday, April 2, 2015


Brian and my dad were busy working on the Taj Mahal oh chicken coops today. It is going to be pretty cool when it's all done. It has been so nice having my parents here. They watched the girls so Brianand I could sneak a date tonight. We went to a movie and grabbed a frozen yogurt, then went to the bridge over the Colorado. It was a full moon and slightly breezy. It really looked lovely. I felt very rich in that moment. I feel very lucky to have Brian in my life.

 I felt worried about Felicity. It's hard to leave a new baby. I see her little face when I close my eyes and she is just so helpless at this age. 


Allison said...

who has that view of the portal in their backyard? Amazingly beautiful!

gc.hatch said...

I love L in that blue dress! She feel so pretty and looks so cute in it!
Glad you and B got a date! You need that at least once a week (even if it's a cuddle on the sofa after the kiddos are in bed.)

Allison said...

Love the photo of your dirt backyard with Liesel looking like a stunning Georgia O'Keefe flower in the desert southwest...or something.