Building the fence. Leveling dirt. Picking up rocks. Digging ditches for irrigation. Installing irrigation. Laying sod.
That little rock wall you see there? Yeah, that was two weekends. We did it, and then moved it two feet forward, so it was all done again. There is a rock patio that you can't see. That took two weekends also. Finding the rocks, hauling them home little by little, laying them out and filling in between them.
Brian working on his coop. I seriously think this is a work of art. So beautiful! The only thing I did was paint the trim pieces. 

Now our 7 hens:
are living in style. We are planting grape vines on the west wall in the back so that they can have shade in the summer and sun in the winter. Our garden will be planted in that big dirt square next to the coop.
And we need to plant trees! And our garden!
Does it ever end?
I never did post photos of the inside of the house. If I can ever get it clean all at once, and the vacuum actually put away, I'll do that too.
First wedding of the spring/summer season tomorrow. I've officially met my goal of 12 weddings for the year. Feels both good and bad. Good-- to meet your goal and get the cash. Bad-- knowing the dark cloud of editing that will hang over my head every day until November.
That coop is uh-mazing. Really nice. I'm sure the chickens are loving it, and the garage is missing them. ;)
Brian, the coop turned out so great! I'm so impressed with your skillz!! And the lawn, wow! Talk about inviting!
First off I'd like to give mom a shoutout for saying "skillz" with a z. Secondly, your house/lawn/rock patio/chicken coup all looks AMAZING!! I'm so impressed and want to roll around the grass all the time. Time for my next visit (hopefully longer than 10 minutes this time!)
You guys are my heros.
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