Sunday, April 19, 2015

Felicity -- ONE month

 Felicity Anne is exactly one month today! April 19th. I went to church for the 1st time and Felicity slept through the whole thing with the exception of feeding once. I usually love church with a baby because it a great time to just sit and hold my babies-- not to mention is has always made the classes and sacrament so much more entertaining. But with Brian working every other Sunday and me on my own (like today), I ended up passing her to someone for 1/2 of sacrament and all of last hour of church. I had to teach Sunbeams and was worried about little kids poking and touching her. 

She has grown a lot in the past month. Probably not noticeably to anyone but Brian and I, but she is so much bigger! I love watching little baby thighs grow. They are the first things to chunk out and her s are so much bigger. She still sleeps so much during the day. I'm trying to remind myself to enjoy it, but I feel guilty that I don't get to interact more with her. She has an awake period in the morning (not a long one though) and I usually try to create one at 5:30 before bed. She has about a 50/50 success rate of going down easily at 6:30 or 7-- but she frequently is awake until 8 or 9pm fussing.  

She has a wicked case of baby acne on her chest. 

I used to think she looked a lot like Liesel and most people still do. But I don't think so anymore. I think she looks the most like my side of the family out of any of my other babies. Still too early to tell though. 

Can't tell much of her personality yet, but she screams like nobody's business when she is upset. Like I-think-she's-going-to-die-of-a-heart-attack screaming. Usually when she's in her carseat and I can't do anything about it. 

Transition to 3 kids hasn't been terrible yet. There are of course difficult times when everyone needs me at once and bedtime is much harder. . . but nothing I wasn't expecting, I guess. I'm sure as she gets older and less sleepy I'll be singing a different tune. Being out-numbered isn't shocking because it's usually me anyway with 2 kids, so three isn't that different. It's a bonus when I get Brian's help. He's very helpful, but also very busy. 

One thing is for certain, and that is that I love this little girl. As I was nursing tonight I was thinking about how new her little body is. I was wondering who her spirit is and was before she came to our family. I was thinking about how long she's waited to come to Earth. I thought about what she would do here and how I can help her prepare for her life's work. I thought about her sisters and my sisters and how I'm so glad they have each other. 

So thankful for this month we've had with you, Lissie. 


Lindsey said...

Lissie! New nickname. Loved this post and the pics!! I'm missing my baby growing!!! She looks so big! Her eyes are to die for!!! She's a doll and I already miss her!!!! You're a champ too Ang.

Emily said...

This post brought tears to my eyes: your little angel growing so much, you juggling three kids at church solo, Brian working so hard to support your family, and you with a quiet moment enjoying that little new's all the hard, but rich blessings that life offers us. You're in my prayers. Felicity is beautiful! I love her baby acne, her adorable mouth, and the inquisitiveness those eyes already show. A tiny beautiful blessing!

Allison said...

That is the cutest nickname! Did Liesel coin it or you? She's beautiful, and very bright-eyed.

gc.hatch said...

My goodness she's growing! You're right about those thighs chunking out! What a doll!

sNick said...

I love your thought process. She's beautiful!