Walked outside and found Liesel relaxing with her chick... Who appeared equally chill.this girl and her animals.

So we've had three weeks of company and it has been great and very needed. Lindsey arrived a few days before my parents left. I kept going from illness to illness, but on this day as my mastitis was clearing up and the cold/laryngitis hadn't begun, we snuck out for a quick hike up Negro Bill. It was lovely and the kids were champion hikers. Liesel wanted to keep going and Hannah hiked two miles on her own. She finally decided it was ok to get in the backpack and aunt Lindsey carried her the two miles back out... But she also lodged a cactus spine completely in her finger which Brian later had to dig out (after taking her blood pressure and pulse). It was kind of comical. Allison arrived Tues evening and was an amazing help through the week... She played with the kids, cooked and held the baby. We managed a one mile hike around the windows in arches. I am finally feeling better! Yay! And so ready to get back into the swing of these., already looking for new trails and running partners!

Your girls are so cute! I love your hiking life!
That chick was very chill. Liesel is so cute with her chickens! Amazing, really.
I can't believe that chick was so "chill"! L really IS an animal lover just like her mamma.
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