Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Went up a baby, came down a mountaineer.

What do you do in the summertime in Wyoming? Ski.

Well, I guess I snowshoed, but Brian skied and Liesel wore her mini-crampons and ice axe. Kidding.

There's one peak in all of the Teton Mountain Range that I felt we could do with L: Table Mountain. It's a long, albeit mellow hike to the top with a phenomenal view. And now with Wyoming 311% (!?!) of normal snowpack, were were hiking on snow even before we got to the parking lot (too deep snow patches had us parking a mile away).

Wondering why my hunky husband with the lungs and heart that never tire isn't carrying Liesel? Because he had the water bottle. Not really. I tried to let him, but couldn't keep up and found myself in a constant state of paranoia wondering if she was hungry? cold? alseep? crying? Too hot? Has enough sunscreen? So I ended up carrying her up. . . and that would be why I'm blogging (aka sitting) today.

The Middle and South Tetons poking just over the ridge while we hike up.

This shows the summit of Table Mountain in front of Mt. Owen, Grand, Middle and South. The summit is the snowy mushroom in the center of the photo.

Sven about 25 yards from the top.

Sven and Brenna summit shot. So tender.

Obligatory family summit photo. I was actually really excited to be up here with Brian. I've hiked this darn trail like 10x and I've wanted to hike it with him for a long time.

L on top:
I wouldn't want to mess with that. That's one stone cold stare. . .

Contemplating her future ascent of the west ridge.


Lindsey said...

Oh my gracious. You are SO SO intense! I can't believe
a. you called that summit "mellow"
b. YOU carried her all the way up
c. You did it with all that snow? How did you do that?? With snowshoes??
d. Liesel is soooooo fat - when did that happen? So adorable.
e. doesn't that affect Liesel if the air is so thin? Man she is going to be so buff

f. love you and CAN"T WAIT to visit you guys

sNick said...

Will you adopt me?

The Gerharts said...

Yes, Liesel has gotten super fat. Wow. Admit that it's not just the puffy, right? She is a chunker! Ditto Lindsey -- that is so not a mellow hike, esp. with a baby! I was also wondering about the altitude, but obviously Liesel has some super strong lungs! What pretty views, and very cool pics.

Mary Grace said...

oh man, this does not suprise me, just makes me jealous. well, jealous that i dont get to hang out with you and see little betty climb her first mountain! not that we are having a lame time. i guess what i am trying to say is i miss you guys :) and good job!

Dan~Alyssa said...

I love your blog! You have the greatest adventures and then you are actually able to convert it into words! I looked up the altitude thing mostly because I was curious and would love to hike mountains with our kids, if Dan carries them! haha Ang you are TOUGH! Anyway, babies 3 mo+ are just like adults when it comes to altitude, see website...looks like it was a blast!


Logan said...

I've thought through the high altitude thing and reasoned that (a) they aren't exerting themselves, (b) their lungs have incredible physiologic reserve at this age and (c) you aren't up there that long. Of course it wouldn't be too smart to raise a baby at high altitude but a few hours or even a few days won't phase them unless they have known respiratory issues. Looks like a great trip! I want to see more of that baby carrier. It looks more awesome than ours. Don't feel bad about constantly checking on her while in the carrier - Heather would do the same thing on our first few hikes in it. You'll get over that urge pretty quickly especially with #2.

Clay Allred said...

she looks so freakin cute!

Rachael said...

Best post ever! I love the pictures. You guys are awesome!

Catherine said...

You hiked Tablerock with L! AND you called it a MELLOW hike! I'm officially the biggest wimp of the family. I'm sure glad Brian and you finally got to make it up. I hope you stopped about 50 times to take photos. :) Please don't tell me you forged a frozen river twice. Man, that view is amazing. L is more hard core than her aunt, that's for sure!

Mickey said...

311%!!! Holy cow!

Those pictures are great! Liesel looks adorable. And tough as nails.