Friday, June 22, 2012

a visit

me taking a picture of allison taking a picture of sarah under the old patriarch

Sarah (B's sister) and Allison (B's mom) came for a blitz visit this week. They showed up Monday evening just in time for Liesel's post-bath pre-bedtime shenanigans. I mentioned that she had become much more sassy these days, to which she ran up and said "SASSY!" and started laughing. The next morning we hiked to the Patriarch. Brian's family has a legacy of working and National Parks and Allison had worked here before the road was re-routed. The Patriarch (the massive tree) was a popular photo destination and right on the side of the old road. Now, it's a little hike through sage brush and you have to know where you're going in order to find it-- but quite a gem!

we did the grand animal tour and saw lots and lots of bison (much closer than the photo on the left), pronghorn antelope, a few bears and 3 moose. Not bad for one day! 

I love this picture of Liesel holding a butterfly in one hand, clutching a rock in the other with dirt on her face.  

I was this close to joining A&S on their cross-country road trip all the way to the east coast (they started in California!) . . . but when we sat down to look at the calendar and realized I would have missed Frank's visit at the end of the month-- we decided to stay. We'll see these guys again before Sarah takes off for her mission in Denmark in August! 


Catherine said...

How fun to have visitors! Looks like such a beautiful day! That tree is amazing and the weather looks like it's starting to be more summer-ish. L is cute even with dirt on her face! :)

The Gerharts said...

Wow, Denmark -- so cool! Congratulations, Sarah!
The flowers are so pretty. I do love that picture of L, so in her element =)

Lindsey said...

I'm so excited for Sarah to go on her mission to Denmark! YES!!!

Jealous you guys got to get together! And again, great quality pics. You'll have to show me some tips/how to use your nice cam when I come vsiit in August!

Lindsey said...

I'm so excited for Sarah to go on her mission to Denmark! YES!!!

Jealous you guys got to get together! And again, great quality pics. You'll have to show me some tips/how to use your nice cam when I come vsiit in August!

gc.hatch said...

How great that you all got to see Allison and Sarah on their road trip to the east coast! And I too love that picture of Liesel holding the rock and butterfuly! That girl is becoming quite the nature lover!

Sarah said...

That was definitely the best part of our trip (tied with seeing Edie, Bud, and Mary). I loved seeing you guys and watching Liesel be so pepped about life. :) I will really miss you come August!

Alvin said...

Angela, I love the patriarch picture. You could sell that for good're quite the photographer