Thursday, April 25, 2013

9 lives and a little sass.

A few weeks ago Lindsey and I were taking the kids to Moab for a town day when Lindsey looked back and noticed L sucking on her hair barrette. About 30 seconds later there was a gag-cough-cry and the barrette was gone. I freaked. I panicked. I pulled the car over right away and proceeded to call Brian, the doctor, my sister who's a nurse practitioner, my mom, my dad . . . I wasn't sure if this was "lost dime" territory or something much worse. Finally after about an hour of deliberation B and I decided to wait for the barrette to make an appearance on it's own. Three days later, a-- "mommy! I'm poopy! Change my diaper" at 7am from the crib-- and there it was. This isn't the first Google search: my child swallowed _____  we have done. Here are a few more of Liesel's finest:

raw meatball mixture
(I found her in the kitchen with the bowl in her lap and scooping it by the handfuls into her mouth-- 18 months. Luckily only about 10 seconds had passed)
sucking the water out of a dirty sponge
an unidentified X under the seat at the airport 
(which may have led to the 5 days of vomiting that followed)
a dime
sand (by the mouthful)
an ant

And while we're on the subject of L, here are some of her recent funnies:

while looking through the gospel art book I ask, "who's that?" 
L: Adam
Me: who is the woman?
L: Even.

While driving in the car:
L: I don't like dat!!
Me: What do you like?
L: I like mustard  . . . and syrup  . . . and chocolate.

Angry at me after I said, "you better behave."
L: I don't like have! I like cute!

After I told her that something she said would hurt someone's feelings she said:
"Yeah. I would hurt feelings. while patting her cheek says: Feelings are right here. It would hurt your feelings right here."

Today while we were at the park, she saw a 9 year old girl sitting by a tree. As she was going over to sit by the tree too she looks at me with her hand out in the stop position and says, 
L: Mom! Don't come! NOOOOO! (in a scream). 
me: ok. 

Almost every time she uses the potty her hands go up and she says:
"You do such a good job using da potty! You get a jellybean!"

While driving in the car:
L: mommy, rub my knee gentle right here-- say "it's okay." 

It is so fun (no. fun isn't the right word. It's remarkable. incredible. wonderful.) watching her grow. 


Lacey Parr said...

Okay, I don't think I've ever commented on your blog. But I'm going to now because these posts, especially about Liesel, crack me up. I was literally just laughing into my hand (so I don't wake up my own little!). Also, I love reading about all the fun adventures you do with your family. Inspires me to take our 9 month old on hikes too!

Catherine said...

I love this post! I'm so glad that thing came back out again. I have to admit, I was a little stumped when you called. I love her quotes, esp the one about rubbing her knee. haha!

Anonymous said...


Allison said...

Mustard was the first thing she said she liked. Not many preschoolers would chose mustard. It must be the Austrian in her! :)

Jerry said...

Love the quotables! I seriously cannot wait to enjoy this sweet girl live action in a number of weeks. And, also, I think it's gross you photographed the pooped-out barrette. Yuck.

gc.hatch said...

You know, it is amazing that our children grow up safely (for the most part). You have to let them explore and not be over protective but you also want to keep them safe. It's a fine line and you simply can't always be there or turn around at just the right moment. I'm really happy that the barrett made it "reappearance" without incident!