Tuesday, April 2, 2013

trail running

I'm addicted. I want to go every day. For at 1.5 hrs. I need new shoes (check). I need shorts (check- $5 on ebay). I want to run with just a sports bra and the wind flying by. I want to run up slickrock and down slick rock.  I want the brush to whip my legs and my lungs to burn. But most of all I want to see new terrain. And I would really really love the company of a dog, but lets be honest; where I run I couldn't bring him anyway (thanks NPS). I'm not fast. As a matter of fact, I'm so slow I'm walking sometimes. But the difference between me running with nothing and hiking with 40lbs is astounding!

Get me on the trail. 

If anyone wants to buy me a hydration belt or a GPS watch I wouldn't object. K, thanks.


Mary Grace said...

i really really wish i could run out there with you. really.

gc.hatch said...

Angela, I'd feel a whole lot better if you took bear spray! I'd put getting the GPS at a high priortiy! (does it show someone else where you are at all times?)