Monday, April 8, 2013

i have a baby sitter.*

The other night while I was getting these gals ready for a bath (B had a late night at work), I started playing with Hannah and the thought crept in, as it inevitably will do: remember all those photos you have of Liesel in the bath? And in her towel? And in all of those unplanned moments? So I went and got the camera. Then Liesel comes in and jumps on the bed. And dances around. And bath time is delayed. And bedtime is delayed. And my little girls are just little girls, playing in diapers and feeling carefree. And for a moment I am too. But then the weight of responsibility plops on my shoulders and I think, "stop ruining the moment self!" Sheesh. 

So Hannah . . . sitting up! And if she's not sitting up, she's probably wide-eyed with her feet pointed in the crunch position trying to sit up. Under her fat suit (as Brian affectionately calls her rolls of chub) are abs of steel. And not a day goes by where Brian and I don't comment to each other on how dang cute she is. She is talking (cooing) all day. She laughs easily and smiles easily. She cried yesterday for the first time when I took something away-- a washcloth she was sucking on in the bathtub. I was worried she was getting soap in her mouth. What a buzzkill I'm becoming! So I gave it back. She wants food and intently watches us eat. She's savored a few sucks on an apple but pureeing food sounds like so much work. Do you think I can hold her out till she masters the pincer grasp and just start then? 

She likes Liesel and one-on-one attention very much. She loves to play with toys now and isn't content unless she has something to play with. And she found her toes and loves them! When all else fails I'll take off her socks and diaper and she's in heaven. She cries the entire time she's in the Chariot. I don't know if Liesel is torturing her or if she genuinely doesn't like it (how could she not?!). She still wakes up at night a few times. Every once in a blue moon it will be only once. With her newly budding personality and skills, it seems like Liesel recognizes her as a legitimate part of the family. This means she plays with her and loves her more, but is also more jealous. 

Isn't that photo of L kissing H so cute? She even asked to hold her spontaneously for the first time the other day. 

* I really wish that wasn't a play on words. Do you think if I hired someone to come and baby sit they would charge me for gas? j/k. I honestly cannot remember the last time Brian and I hung out away from home without the kids. Forgive my whining. . . sometimes rainy days just bring that out of me.


gc.hatch said...

I can't wait to see Hannah again! She is growing up like crazy! What a doll! And how I wish I lived close enough to watch Hannah and Liesel so you and Brian could get away by yourselves for some much needed R&R. Hey, maybe Lindsey would do it when school gets out!

The Gerharts said...

These are amazing pictures, Angela. So crisp, perfect images of just baby, baby fat, and more baby! LOVE the one of L kissing Hannah! That is one for a contest somewhere. You are amazing! I love that Hannah is sitting up! I love your explanation of trying to be "in" the moment but your Type A mom personality taking over. After all, it's only AFTER kids are in bed that you finally get a BREAK, right???

Lindsey said...

I would PAY YOU to watch your kids. You know how much I love them! I love these pics, and miss these kiddos already. I love me some Hannah smiles and rolls and also some Liesy curls!!!

Allison said...

Those girls are zaptastic (an adjective one of my fourth graders used the other day.) I love that Hannah has a fat suit. It becomes her.